My Father

I think 13 is Lucky

So many people have spent the last day or two reflecting on their past year. Nothing wrong with that. A little reflection is a good thing. I would dare to say, though, that I know something better. Gratitude. So in my reflecting, I would like to make a list of just a few things I’m […]

Teaching Kids How to Say Doomsday

Well, folks, the world survived 2012. I’d say it deserves a pat on the back for that. At the beginning of December, I forgot that the world was supposed to end. (It was December 21st or 22nd, right?) 

Day in the Life of a Blonde Panda

People need people. Most anyone you ask will admit this is true. But do we really act like we believe this? Do we let people in, see us for who we really are, speak into our lives? Maybe I do for a little while. Then my chronic spiritual Alzheimer’s hits. I don’t keep the reason […]

In the Garden of the Humble Administrator

Suzhou. Known to some as the Venice of the East. The Chinese have a saying: 上有天堂,下有苏杭  which translates roughly to “Heaven Above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below”. While I’m fairly certain Suzhou has nothing on heaven, it is a lovely town. Many canals lined with willow trees and bamboo run through the city, and its positively filled with bridges, […]

Pushi Huanteng!…in August!

普世欢腾! 救主下降!大地结她君王; Pushi huanteng! JiuZhu xiangjiang! Dadi jieta junwang; 惟愿众心, 预备地方, 诸天万物歌唱. Weiyuan zhongxin, yubei difang, zhutian wanwu gechang, 诸天万物歌唱, 诸天万物歌唱. Zhutian wanwu gechang, zhutian wanwu gechang. I went to Community for the first time tonight. Real Community, not random wandering into a building, sitting in the back of a several hundred crowd, and listening […]

One More Day

First off, let me just say I’m grateful for supermarkets. Street-side markets are great and all for fresh produce and sometimes even bottled drinks, but they lack–how should we put it?–variety. Chances are I’m not going to find a broom for my house or eggs for breakfast in a street market. That said, I’ve had […]

Remember, Remember

My life has taken a comfortable rhythm. Most days now, I don’t feel the living in another country.

Can You Tell Me Where…?

I recently went to church. Sunday night, actually. Fuzhou is a fairly religiously open town. One of the most famous churches in it is Huaxiang, Flower Lane Church. I’m still fairly sure that the churches must be monitored by the government, but things are more lax here than in other places.


My travels with Father have wandered over a meandering trail. I feel like my ideas of what Father wants and what our relationship looks like have swung back and forth so many times. For example: In the infinite wisdom of high school, I thought I was good on my own.

Chinese Name!

I now have a Chinese name!