
Bottom of the Veggie Bin

Dimethylnaphthalene. So if you’re like me, you just said, “Eh, what?” Apparently we’ve all been eating it over the last however many years of our lives. Unless, of course, you’re one of those people who can afford ‘organic’ everything. For the rest of us ordinary mortals who must shop in Budgetland, this lovely chemical has probably […]

No Cameras Allowed: Part 1

Unfortunately, folks, this is going to be a one picture post. Both places I visited today were AMAZING, and cameras were totally banned there.  Additionally I was nearly molested by a potential new Taiwanese boyfriend.  All that and more to follow!  But all things in their time and season. This morning started with a light […]

The Sirens

This morning, no sooner had I shuffled into the bathroom, used the good ol’ cè suǒ, and washed my hands, than a rising electronic howl rattled through our apartment. I poked my head out the bathroom door, and my roommate was standing in her bedroom staring down the hall. She glances at me. “What is […]

The Fine Art of Munchkin Herding

For better or worse, I’m a teacher now. A month or two ago, I would have gone with ‘worse’.