
Saying Goodbye

Tis time, it seems, to return from whence I came. My classes are wrapping up. Last saturday, I walked into my last HHH 1B class, and one little girl is waving a plastic bag at me. Well, that’s new…sort of. I start preparing to begin class, but she’s waving it more insistently and chattering at me. Alrighty. […]

Thar He Blows!

When it comes to small munchkins, I am starting to develop a well-rounded Captain Ahab persona. I growl and stomp my peg leg whenever anything under the age of intelligent speech runs by me. Today, in Kinders, I decided to end our phonic lesson in a nice, safe game of Duck-duck-goose. Greatest game on the […]

The Morning Surprise

Washing machines are devilishly hard on clothes here. Probably because they’re like slightly more sophisticated butter churns. Throw clothes in, the thing fills with water, and then it wrings the crap out of your shirts and pants. 

Vet Danger

One of my classes is a Starter, which basically means the kids are too old to be in a kindergarden class, but their English isn’t good enough for them to join the other elementary age classes. The Starter class is primarily meant to teach the kids their alphabet and basic classroom English like ‘Stand up’, […]

Summer Seniors Part 3

It’s the last one, I promise!! (probably) Here’s a slightly more legit photo of everyone.

Summer Seniors Part 2

Sorry, I’ve been rather lax about writing lately. This summer has really taken it out of me. I seriously don’t know how people who work double jobs do it. At the beginning of July, having a more than 40 hours a week schedule made me feel like road-kill. Now that I’m starting to adjust and […]

Summer Seniors

Senior classes at York are the oldest class of students, ranging from 13 to 18 years old, and the rarest. Most of our classes are kindergarden or middle school age. Newbies like me rarely end up Seniors because the class schedule for them is much less structured than for younger students and we’re not experienced […]

The Fine Art of Munchkin Herding

For better or worse, I’m a teacher now. A month or two ago, I would have gone with ‘worse’.

My Friend, Remy.

Today was a fairly slow day at work. (My reasons for qualifying it with ‘fairly’ will soon become apparent.) We had to be in for a meeting at 2, but nobody had class until 7:15. So it was five hours of lesson planning and putzing around work. In the case of the boys, this usually […]

Close Encounters of the Most Dangerous Kind

…with Kinders. I have one particular class with a very special child. Tom. Tom is special because he’s the terrifying combination of very smart and spoiled rotten.